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More than a company, we were born from a mission. At the beginning of our history, we already thought about the goal of harmony and evolution for all. So, we began treating the animal and the tutor through the veterinary clinic where forcemos consultations with various technical applications (seeking knowledge on the planet).

The Institute has appeared in the world for more than 10 years with the purpose of health, well-being and harmony.

We are a family owned and operated business.

We believe in the relationship between tutor and animal as a form of treatment and analysis. Therefore, whenever possible, we focus on attending to the teachings that we can pass on to tutors so that they, in addition to improving their own body, improve the well-being of their, animals and family companions. As a result, there is also the need to train people trained to assist in this mission, through our courses we are able to provide tools so that everyone can take care of animals and humans in the best possible way, going from Veterinarian to Tutor.

Call us and schedule a visit ♥

Reasons to be Equilibrium

The moment you become part of that team, be it as a student, teacher, coordinator, and much more ... you are part of a family!

cão fora
Crianças admirando a vista
Aula de matemática

Here you can count on:

We are a family owned and operated business.

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(each course with unique content)

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